Bhagat Singh
Narrative (Spring 2017) Ayodhya
Atlanta Review (Fall/Winter 2006) Poems of Arab Andalusia
Prairie Schooner (Spring 2017) The Wooden Balconies of Old Lahore
Catamaran (Summer 2017) Partition, and Then
RHINO (2017) Remembering Stella and Lily, Who Died on the Same Day
The Rumpus (January 2017) |
Zinnias. How. Foreverness.
Chicago Quarterly Review (Spring 2017) Of the Punjab
RHINO (2015) What the Wind Said to Me When I Awoke from Another Nightmare in Which My Father Had Died, Alone
Prairie Schooner (Fall 2014) Being in Touch
Chicago Quarterly Review (Winter 2017) On the Morning of November 9, 2016, I had a Pumpkin Pie for Breakfast
The Rumpus (January 2017) |
Narrative (Spring 2017) Blood Harmonies
Poet Lore (Fall/Winter 2007) Peer Editing
English Journal (November 2005) Migration Narrative
Prairie Schooner (Spring 2017) To Be a Fisherman, or a Father, You Must
The Rumpus (January 2017) Lost Earring
Chicago Quarterly Review (Winter 2017) |